NEW > 2018 > Publish in Space > eBook Intro
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John Sterling asked to present the INTRODUCTION at the January 13th meeting of the Sun City Huntley Computer Club as part of his larger presentation re: Self-Publishing.
Following the INTRODUCTION below are discussions and LINKS to help you publish your eBook for Outer Space.
I appreciate John’s invitation to make this information available to everyone. Thank you and blessings!
Ken Kozy
Self-Publish Your eBook for Outer Space
The Launch of the OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft containing 7-D eBook.
Picture credit: United Launch Alliance (ULA) and NASA.
A new, cutting-edge challenge after writing your eBook is to “Self-publish for Outer Space.”
Did you know?
Besides containing complex scientific instruments and experiments, some NASA spacecraft have carried works of writers and entertainers into Outer Space.
You may have seen on CBS 60 Minutes or PBS-TV the “Golden Record” placed aboard Voyager spacecraft which are entering interstellar space.
You may have read about the microfiche KJV Bibles brought aboard Apollo spacecraft lunar missions by a few Astronauts in their personal carry-on-packs.
In 2015, Ken Kozy wrote an eBook here in Sun City Huntley which is now aboard the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft on a special memory chip.
It has travelled over 700,000,000 miles towards its main mission to retrieve samples of an asteroid.
In 2023, this satellite will become a Time Capsule orbiting the Sun for millennia, and its contents will be available for future generations to discover.
eBooks are preferred because they weigh less than print.
His eBook is computer-translated into 7 languages and utilizes 7-Dimensional eCommunication Concepts.
Go to for a free copy.
Publishing for Outer Space can become an exponential-growth industry as have the manufacture and launching of spacecraft.
Missions for exploration, mining and colonization of moons and planets are on launch schedules.
The settlers will have to build a society, economy, homes and machines (using 3-D printers), as well as grow food for themselves and their families.
These astronauts, explorers, miners, colonists and tourists will want to read, reference, listen to, or view interesting, useful eBooks during their long journeys and missions.
If you have an appetite for writing eBooks and ePublishing them in Outer Space, there are many resources and references available on the internet.
Some of the following questions are addressed at the website: – just click the tab “Publish in Space.”
Who would be the Future Audiences for eBooks published for Outer Space?
What are the Constraints and Focus of publishing for Outer Space?
Why Publish and Launch an eBook into Space on satellites dedicated to Science?
What are some Examples of Spacecraft containing Publications in Outer Space?
When are some Future Launches with Publications or Peoples’ Names planned?
How and where can you Find more Free Information about launches and eBook Publishing in Outer Space?
Historical Note: only 55 years ago –
John Glen was the 1st American to orbit the Earth.
The famous sendoff: “Godspeed, John Glen”
was recorded at launch
of his Friendship 7 spacecraft in 1962.
Human Audiences in Outer Space
For years, the USA Government, NASA, and American commercial spacecraft launchers have been planning and funding manned missions for the Moon, Mars and Near-Earth-Objects/Asteroids.
Luxemburg and other countries very interested in space mining are also investing in European, Japanese, Chinese, Indian, French, and Russian, and commercial launch projects because these governments and their space agencies are preparing for human exploration and commercialization as their next steps into space.
They expect that spaceships with miners will be sent to develop mineral as well as water resources for use in space exploration. (Some commercial crew members are being selected and trained right now.) Also, colonies on moons and planets will be created with their own construction and food-growing capabilities, and their own economies and electronic libraries.
Which countries will succeed and what intellectual, reading, and viewing materials they will allow crew members to take with them is in question.
Historically, Astronauts have been limited to take along only a few personal items to fit in their carry-on pouches.
Officially, most religious and political materials have not been included to be shipped on spacecraft. Some governments are restrictive in what political, national, and religious literature may be taken along.
Unofficially, some explorer astronauts have quietly brought such materials in their personal carry-on pouches.
Due to weight, size, and endurance restrictions, electronic materials on small, light-weight memory cards will be used by future generations of humans to have access to literature. This may be the only way some will be able to read religious, political, or national literature beyond governmental restrictions.
The need for Christian Bibles, Torah, Koran, sacred scripture from other religious beliefs, as well as political and philosophical literature might vary for each Astronaut and government.
Excerpt from a NASA web site: “NASA - Areas of Study: Human Factors and Habitability. How can equipment, spacecraft design, tools, procedures, and even nutrition be used to improve the health, safety, and efficiency of crewmembers? Can variables such as work scheduling, sleep cycles, leisure time, and communication be modified to improve team performance in the space environment?”
Thus, the interest in fulfilling the needs of crewmembers should be considered for long space travel times. These include physical, intellectual, emotional and personal spiritual needs.
In Outer Space or on another planet, the lag time of transmissions and limited bandwidth can slow a stream of such communication from Earth to a trickle. For Mars, it takes on average about 14 minutes to transmit data one way from Earth.
Depending on the location of Earth and Mars (which varies considerably due to their orbits), it could take from about 4 to 24 minutes to send a one-way signal between these 2 planets.
Since the communication channels of spacecraft will be very busy with operational data transmissions including cameras and vital health monitoring devices, there will be very limited bandwidth.
Therefore, it will not be feasible to simply transmit and download an eBook that is not a survival or operational emergency-level of importance.
The workloads of Astronauts in space can be 8 to 12 hours a day. So, recreational reading, listening, or viewing will need to be available on demand during their periods of rest and recreation.
One solution is to include very light-weight electronic memory chips containing a library of multi-media files selected by each space traveler. These would have to be specially designed chips to be secure from radiation, cosmic rays, etc.
For example, CD/DVDs are a heavy weight and contents are not as secure to survival in the Outer Space environment.
Legal Considerations
Obviously, there are many eBooks and productions currently available on the commercial market from large publishing corporations.
However, there may be some legal, copyright difficulties from publishers and authors regarding the copying of the files to memory chips for use in outer space. This is an unchartered legal area.
Hence, self-publishing authors should consider making their eBooks available to freely copy and use in outer space at no cost and in a standard eBook format. This would be a niche market.
Meanwhile there would be marketing benefits on Earth to authors who could verify that their eBook or production was chosen by an Astronaut, etc.
Authors placing their eBook into the Public Domain is another alternative.
To make the contents interesting and available for space travelers is still the creative challenge.
There will be an audience for authors among space travelers in the future. The media and formats for this market is still being discussed and designed. So, authors need to tune-in to to follow these developments.
The physical media is as important as the content.
In many ways this potential market is similar to a corresponding potential markets on Earth. Indeed, a whole audience of followers of developments in space as well as STEM students would be interested in what eBooks are sent to Outer Space. They may become a special “Earthly Audience” for the same eBooks sent to space.
Other Audiences in Outer Space – in the Millenia
Consider future human descendants in Outer Space. Here, “future” means Millenia, or thousands of years from now. What will the universe of humans be like thousands of years from now? Will the governments of the future allow freedom of speech and freedom of publishing? What will they think about us, our cultures, and our ideas?
What can you tell them about us and our culture in your eBook? What should they know – about freedoms, government, God, etc?
These will be our future human descendants - our astronauts, explorers, mining personnel, and colonists in Outer Space.
What if they are not allowed by their governments to freely read or hand down literature about past cultures and thinking. That could be a very real possibility given the current political and nationalistic trends of today.
Here is an “Earth-shaking” thought: thousands of years from now, a Time Capsule containing important literature and thoughts of our cultures may be the only evidence we ever existed in the Universe and the only record of our culture, literature, beliefs and religious thoughts.
Other Audiences
Another potential audience for eBooks in Space are alien intelligent life capable of finding, acquiring, and investigating our spacecraft and contents. Such life forms are considered possible according to scientific studies of exoplanets in certain star systems.
NASA has sent spacecraft (such as Pioneer, Voyager, and New Horizons missions) which they hope will make contact with them. Graphics, images, and formula on plaques as well as recordings have been sent. It may take millennia to reach such intelligent life forms.
Also, if such intelligent life forms approach our solar system, they may capture some of our other satellites or time capsules to investigate their contents to learn about our culture.
A major question is: would they be able to understand our languages, sounds, or pictures? One possible answer is: if they have the technology to capture and investigate these satellites travelling at thousands of miles per hour, it is possible that they or their computers/technologies would have the intelligence to learn the meanings of these files. A look back in our archeological history shows that we too have been able to decipher ancient writings of long ago.
Self-Publish Your eBook for Outer Space
Constraints and Focus
What are the Constraints and Focus to publish for Outer Space?
Physical concerns of weight, size, temperatures, time, radiation, launch vibrations, etc.
eBooks and storage.
Relevant content, usability, important, multi-media, languages, 7-Dimensions, permissions.
Physical Concerns
Obviously, some constraints for inclusion of a publication for Outer Space on a Spaceship include the weight and size of the media. Spaceships and launches are expensive, and every square inch and ounce of weight are limited and costly.
The total cost of the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft mission is just under 1 Billion US dollars. A lot of equipment, software, work hours and fuel were used to send it on its 4.4-Billion miles round-trip journey to the asteroid Bennu in order to return surface samples to Earth and finally to perpetually orbit our Sun.
As a result of NASA’s invitations to the world for explorer artwork, all 7,000 electronic submissions along with thousands of names were place in electronic form on a very small, light-weight memory stick attached to the inside wall of the satellite.
The vibrations from the launch and g-force are so powerful that all spacecraft, satellites and parts are tested before launch under similar rigorous conditions for physical endurance.
Solar radiation, cosmic rays, and magnetic forces are unrelenting in space and some materials cannot endure them. Paper and other materials would deteriorate in the extreme cold in such conditions for long periods of time.
We are also looking at a time frame of millennia for them to orbit the Sun in the last phase of their missions.
Meanwhile, the satellites’ cameras, electronic equipment, solar panels, transmitters and structural materials are designed and manufactured to perform during its mission and beyond.
Therefore, printed books, photos, and many other media used on Earth would not be useful for long term Outer Space missions. Even the special media electronic storage for the eBook material on a spacecraft must be of hardened material, protected from dangers in Outer Space.
Meanwhile, the content and focus of the selected eBooks need to meet the same high standards as on Earth. They must be important, highly-usable, understandable, and receive permissions to be used or be in the Public Domain.
This author recommends that the understandability would be increased if the concepts of 7-Dimensional eCommunications were applied by the authors in their eBook material.
Also, understanding would be improved by use of Multi-media including electronic photos, graphics, sound, narration, recordings, interviews, music, art, video, text, etc.
Finally, which language should be used for the material, or should several translations be included?
This all brings us to the question of who will be experiencing these materials. People on Earth may be interested in reading and experiencing these materials now and in the future. But for whom in Space should we write?
Utilizing 7-D eCommunication Concepts in writing an eBook.
(Discussion, Template, Table, Examples)
Examples of published articles written using 7-D eCommunication Concepts.
Self-Publish Your eBook for Outer Space
Publish and Launch
Why publish and launch an eBook into Space on satellites dedicated to Science?
- Challenges: Disasters on Earth; Time-capsule
for Future Generations and Aliens;
- Opportunities: Astronaut carry-ons; CubeSats.
Challenges, time capsules, possible disasters
The 7-Dimensional Universe (includes abstract painting)
Self-Publish Your eBook for Outer Space
Links to Examples
What are some examples of Spacecraft containing Publications in Outer Space?
1. Lunar Bibles (microfiche) on the NASA Apollo Spacecraft to the Moon.
2. Plaques and graphics in the NASA Pioneer Spacecraft headed to Interstellar Space.
3. Golden Record of Earth’s recordings & pictures in the NASA Voyager Spacecraft in Interstellar Space.
4. Peoples’ Names included in the Japanese JAXA Hayabusa, SALENE, & ERG Spacecraft to Asteroids.
5. eMessages & Names in NASA OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft to Asteroid and planned Solar orbit.
- Contains 1st multi-language, 7-D Communications eBook
- written by Ken Kozy of Sun City IL.
Lunar Bibles (microfiche) on the NASA Apollo Spacecraft to the Moon.
Plaques and graphics in the NASA Pioneer Spacecraft headed to Interstellar Space
Golden Record of Earth’s recordings & pictures in the NASA Voyager Spacecraft in Interstellar Space
Peoples’ Names included in the Japanese JAXA Hayabusa, SALENE, & ERG Spacecraft to Asteroids.
eMessages & Names in NASA OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft to Asteroid and planned Solar orbit
Self-Publish Your eBook for Outer Space
Upcoming Launches with Publications
When are some Upcoming Launches with Publications or Peoples’ Names planned? (includes LINKS)
Self-Publish Your eBook for Outer Space
Future Launches
How and where can you find more free information
re: future Launches and eBook Publishing in Space?
See announcements of NASA-sponsored launches, ISS, and future plans.
Search Google/Bing: “Commercial Space Flight Launch” “CubeSat” and “Planetary Society”.
These web pages, LINKS, and articles are for personal education, non-profit, and “fair use” only, and is not to be used for profit; this information is made available free of charge. This website contains no ads.
All copyrights are the property of the respective owners of: text, graphics, art works, maps, references, Bibles, articles, tours, and commentary, as well as of electronic information, images, photos, music, videos, dramatizations, audio readings, performances, and movies and all material at LINK sites included herein. All Copyrights are reserved by copyright owners.
CREDITS: Photos JPL NASA (Public Domain)
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Due to the nature of this dynamic subject area, this web page is being updated daily with new LINKS, 7-D Attributes, and other improvements.